Hvordan påvirke EU? En introduksjon til eksisterende avtaler mellom Makedonia og EU

The document presents the current relations between the Republic of Macedonia and the EU. Macedonia’s status as a candidate country provides several arenas for interaction with the EU.

Difi-rapport 2010:9
Norge og EU/EØS

These interactions give Macedonia access to various channels of influence. In order to position Macedonian interests on the European arena there is a need to facilitate these relations, as well as to establish new. The objective of this report has been to provide findings on the relations that already exist, and to look at recommendations on how to improve them, as well as to establish new. Norwegian experiences have been drawn on to establish examples of interaction with the EU, in the light of being a non-Member State. The report concludes with recommendations on efforts which can facilitate the Republic of Macedonia’s chances to promote the national interests and positions, as well as to open possibilities for influencing in the EU decision – making process for certain issues.

Oppdatert: 22. mai 2020

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