How to read your payslip

The payslip shows the calculation basis for the salary you have been paid. An example of a payslip can be seen below, with explanation of what some of the fields on the payslip means. You will also find an explanation of holiday pay and tax deduction for payslips in June.


Ordinary payslip
  1. Employee number
  2. Tax deduction: table or percentage
  3. Holiday pay which will be paid to you in June
  4. Number codes for wage type. Wage types instructs the payroll system how each of the lines are to be treated.
  5. The period the payment or deduction is for
  6. Deduction for occupational pension scheme
  7. Benefit taxation of group life insurance for state employees
  8. Benefit taxation of mobile/broadband paid directly by employer
  9. Tax deduction
  10. Tax base
  11. Tax base so far this year
  12. Your share of contributions to the occupational pension scheme so far this year
  13. Trade union fees deducted so far this year
  14. Holiday pay earned this year, which will be paid out next year. The holiday pay next year may be lower than this amount for those over 60 years of age, due to reduction rules in the Act relating to Holidays for the 6th holiday week.

This payslip is the one you receive all months of the year except June. See an example of payslip for June below.

Overtime on payslip

Which type of overtime paid, for example 50% overtime or 100% overtime, can be read from the name. Overtime is usually paid in arrears. You can see which period the overtime is for in the column Period. In No./basis the cumulative overtime for the period which is approved and will be paid on the payment in question will be listed. In some cases you may receice overtime payments from earlier months, for example if you have received a post for correction and must submit this again for approval. This will then be paid in arrears on a later payroll run. The number is rounded in accordance with the comments in §13 of the Collective agreements. Rounding of minutes to whole or half hours is done by increasing 30 minutes or more to the nearest whole hour separately, while 29 minutes or less are lost.

The payslip for June

Payslip for June
  1. Salary for June
  2. Earned holiday pay from the previous year. Used to pay for vacation days. Excess amount is paid out to you. Makes up 12% of earned income. For those who are 60 years or older an additional 2,3% is calculated to pay for the 6th vacation week. These 2,3% are limited to 6G.
  3. Number of days deducted for holiday.
  4. Daily rate. Explains how much you are deducted for one vacation day. This is calculated based on gross annual salary and par-time percentage in June.
  5. Deduction for 5 weeks of holiday.
  6. Earned holiday pay for the current year. Paid out next year.

Tax deductions in June

  • Holiday pay is always taxable income and is included in the basis for calculating the tax for the income year.
  • The tax deduction card is adjusted so that a little more tax is deducted from the regular salary payments the rest of the year, in order for there to be no deduction of tax from holiday pay when it is paid out.
  • Only if the holiday pay is paid the year after the year of accrual (and under certain conditions) is no tax to be deducted.
  • If the employee has only been employed part of the previous year, the monthly salary cannot be paid without deduction of tax.
  • Tax will also always have to be deducted in June the year the employee starts in the agency. 

Example of partial earnings:
In this example the following is part of the deduction basis:

1001 Gross salary 18.704,20
7002 Pension deduction -374,50
OF19 Leave deduction, ord. -5179,62
8320 Parat (trade union fee deduction) -224,45
= Deduction basis 12.925,00

The deduction basis is always rounded down to the nearest whole number. The same applies to the tax deduction.

Oppdatert: 9. juni 2022


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