Contact us

Here you can find contact details for reception, visitors’ addresses, our billing address and press contact information.


  • Email:
  • Telephone: (+47) 400 07 997
  • Correspondence address: Lørenfaret 1C, 0585 Oslo
  • Opening hours: 08.00–15.45. In the period 15 May–14 September we will be closing at 15.00.

Please contact reception if you have a general query or question.

All written queries will be entered and published in our public records system (eInnsyn). You can search our records at

Do you need help with payroll or accounts?

Contact customer service centre

Employer support

Advice and support for public sector employers on restructuring and how to interpret the legislation on public sector HR. Contact DFØ’s employer support centre: 

Offices and addresses



  • Please send your invoices to DFØ in EHF format (Electronic Trading Format).
  • Our electronic address is the same as our organisation number: 986252932 (without spaces)
  • Some systems also require you to enter the country code. If so, the address will be: 0192:986252932
  • All invoices and credit notes must be marked 1000 + the initials of the DFØ employee (your order number).


For media queries, please contact one of our press contacts.

  • Anne-Berit Herstad, Director of the Communications Unit
  • Telephone:  (+47) 970 81 522
  • Email:
Updated: 5. August 2022


If you have any questions, contact us at:

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Your feedback is anonymous and will only be used to improve our website. If you want to get in touch with us, please call or send an e-mail.